After months of prayer and planning, Called2Worship is finally here! Plus, Matt Papa joins me in the studio, complete with his acoustic guitar!
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After months of prayer and planning, Called2Worship is finally here! Plus, Matt Papa joins me in the studio, complete with his acoustic guitar!
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Trick or Treat on Called2Action Radio with some Halloween talk…Hillary talk…and some Called2Worship talk, too.
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The FBI has re-opened the Hillary Clinton Email case…and why I just voted for Donald Trump.
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India is only 2.3% Christian
Murli Menon was born into the right caste in India and was on his way up the corporate ladder when his Hindu brother…then mother…then father all became followers of Christ.
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Is Their Vision…Dead?
Hillary ignores it and Trump is ignorant of it. Has the original intent of our Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution been lost forever? Dr. David Corbin joins me on today’s show to discuss this troubling topic.
Dr. David Corbin teaches courses in American political thought and politics and literature at The King’s College in New York City. His areas of academic interest also include political philosophy, comparative government, and international politics. Dr. Corbin has written a book on Thucydides, and has co-authored books on the Aristotle and the American Founding. His articles regularly appear on The Federalist website and he is a popular guest on cable news stations as well as talk radio.
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National Polls…Statewide Polls…but are there any Accurate polls?
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Donald & Hillary met for the third and final debate and today we’ll talk about the results.
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God on Sex, Sexual Identity, and Gender
Dr. Danny Akin is the President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and his favorite book in the bible is…Song of Solomon! Surprised? Don’t be. There is a lot more to it than you think.
Called2Action Radio takes a look at God’s design for sex, sexual identity, and gender on today’s Theology Thursday.
Dr. Akin’s book, God on Sex, is a great read for every Christian (teens +) and I highly recommend it!
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Pastor Joby Martin of The Church of Eleven22
He’s not a hipster. He doesn’t water down the message. He calls people to repentance and holiness. AND…he’s reaching Millennials, too.
What’s happening at one of the fastest growing churches in America?
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It’s not as bad as you think.
I’m at the Centered and Sent Conference in Raleigh, NC today and the main concern is this:
As society transitions into post-Christendom, the church finds itself increasingly at odds with majority culture. Yet history testifies that the gospel is always clearer in an age when it is not culturally assumed. The early church thrived in a non-Christian world because she was both culturally relevant and radically distinct. Can the church can do the same thing today?
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Today on Called2Action…4 pastors, 4 topics.
Pastor 1: Jack Graham’s letter regarding his support of Donald Trump.
Pastor 2: JD Greear talking about churches thriving in a post-Christian era and his Centered & Sent Conference this week featuring Pastor Tim Keller.
Pastor 3: William Long’s daughter is in a 4th grade class where the students were forced to applaud for a classmate that is changing gender.
Pastor 4: David Fischer of Landmark Capital returns for a Money Monday update.
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Today on Called2Action…
As the election grows ever closer, we look at the (im)moral state of our presidential candidates, and how it should affect our vote.
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