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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Spiritual Gifts

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Talking Spiritual Gifts with Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary!

What are they?
What are they for?
How many do we get?
How do we know which ones we have?

This is a VERY important topic. Discover them and USE them…you AND the church will be blessed!


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

The Enemy of Identity

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Today on Called2Action Radio from 4-5pm ET…a 3-day journey that could change your life!

I’m talking to my friend, Stephen Scoggins, about his upcoming TRANSFORM U live event in Raleigh, NC, April 26-28.

Stephen is a follower of Christ, successful entrepreneur, author, Master Life Strategist, founder of The Journey Principles…and a ball of fire!


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Planned Parenthood Prevails?

By Planned Parenthood Stories, Podcast

Today on Called2Action Radio:

Talking to my buddy Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, who also sits on the Board of the Center for Medical Progress.

Regarding: California’s 15 felonies filed against the producers of the undercover Planned Parenthood sting videos.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Born Gay?

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Joe Dallas began at 8 years of age…

From an early age, Joe felt out of place. But when middle-aged men began to take an interest in him, he soaked it up…and that began a long journey into and out of the world of homosexuality.

Today, Joe Dallas is an author, speaker, and pastoral counselor who conducts seminars nationwide. He is the founder of Genesis Biblical Solutions in Tustin, California, and has written six books on human sexuality from a Christian perspective, including such authoritative resources as the bestselling Desires in Conflict, The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality, and The Gay Gospel? His articles have been featured in Christianity Today magazine and the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, and he is a regular contributor to the Christian Research Journal.

Joe will be in Raleigh, NC for Beyond Imagination’s Transforming Grace Conference on Sept. 9-10. Registration is just $40 but Pastors get in FREE! Visit the Transforming Grace page HERE for more information and to register.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Ask the President!

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Theology Thursday…Ask the Presdient!

Dr. Danny Akin is the President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and he helped us through some great questions from callers and Facebook friends!

Did Jesus go to hell? What happens to non-Christians when they die? Do you have to believe the earth was created in 6-days? Which versions of the bible are best? Is the Pope a real Christian? And several other great questions!
