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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Brexit + Supreme Court On Abortion

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What does the future hold? What about global debts and t’s impact on America? Fed Chairwoman’s chilling comments at a recent hearing re: U.S. banks. Contact David for two free white papers: The Coming Bail-In & Your IRA Having Physical Metals. 844-879-8882 or

The Supreme Court continues to protect the culture of death with todays horrible decision that strike’s down a Texas law. Plus…Troy was at last week’s meeting when Trump met with evangelical leaders.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Tithing in Tough Times

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Soaking the Rich

God wants us to give and give generously…but what if we are having a tough time paying the bills? Should we pay off the credit cards first and then tithe? Does the Old Testament 10% apply to New Testament life in the 21st century?

Art Rainer is the V.P. for Institutional Advancement at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and he joins me on today’s show to walk us through the theology of giving.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Broken Girls & Broken Horses @ Corral Riding Academy

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Joy Currey grew up riding horses competitively…then she earned a college degree and began teaching in the inner city…then she earned another degree and decided to do something about changing the lives of children who are the most under-served in our public educational system…and thus, Corral Riding Academy was born in 2008.

The results have been amazing…including a new movie entitled UNBRIDLED that will open this Fall!

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Work is a 4-Letter Word…and a blessing?

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Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Authors and Professors Benjamin Quinn and Walter Strickland join me to unpack this challenging topic by walking through their powerful (and short) new book, Every Waking Hour: An Introduction to Work and Vocation for Christians.

Get you copy HERE!