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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: The Spiritual vs. The Material

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Most Christians understand that they need to develop spiritually in prayer, sanctification, and personal holiness…but what about life in the material world? What about work? Rest? Wealth? Poverty? Creation? Stewardship?

Being spirits in the material world is not just a great song by The Police…it’s a reality that every Christian needs to focus on more. Dr. Dave Jones joins me today to discuss his new book, Every Good Thing: An Introduction to the Material World and the Common Good for Christians

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Why Won’t He Vote For Trump?

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Dr. Danny Akin is the President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and he joins me today to explain why he is choosing to write-in a candidate rather than vote for Trump.

  • Isn’t that effectively a vote for Hillary?
  • Are you willing to put Hillary in office to satisfy your conscience?
  • What about Supreme Court Justices?
  • What about the life issue?
  • What about the conservative agenda?
  • What bible passages are you using for guidance?

NOTE: This is not my personal position…and I will be bringing on another great Christian thinker to explain why they believe an evangelicalmust vote for Trump over Hillary or a write-in/3rd party candidate.

For the sake of intellectual and spiritual honesty, I believe we all need to wrestle with these issues rather than just demonize each other in the Body of Christ over this issue.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: The Theology of Gender Confusion

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast

“I was born a girl, but I want to be a boy.”

I never actually said those words out loud, but I thought them a lot. Between the ages of 9 and 15, I did not want to be a girl. I wanted to be a boy. In my mind, I wasn’t fit to be a girl. I wasn’t pretty (or so I thought). I enjoyed sports and rough-housing. I was stronger than the guys my age and more drawn to being a leader.

According to the religion and culture I knew, being a boy made so much more sense. My religion said that only men could be leaders, and my culture told me that women should be beautiful. Since I was a strong leader and didn’t think I was beautiful, I logically thought, “Perhaps I should not be a woman.”

This is an excerpt from a recent column written by my guest on today’s Theology Thursday.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

America In Decline

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My heart is heavy these days when it comes to our nation…

I fear her greatest days are behind her and that all we have to look forward to as Christ followers in America is her continuing slow-burn into the abyss of moral anarchy and rebellion against God.

On the other hand, I still believe in Revival…which means I still believe in Awakening! Will it be enough to return America to a more righteous path? I don’t know…but it will most certainly be enough to return many Americans to a right relationship with their Creator. Hundreds. Thousands. Millions? I hope and pray that it is so.

So where do I go from here? How should we respond as a biblical followers of Jesus Christ that find themselves living in a nation in decline and rebellion?

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

The TRUE History Of The Declaration Of Independence!

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Today on Called2Action Radio:

The Story Behind Independence Day!

This is one of my favorite sections in the Foundations of Freedom class I teach and today I’ll take you through the 259 years of history (in 40 minutes) that led to the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776!

  • The Reformation
  • The Pilgrims
  • The Churches
  • The Schools
  • The Great Awakening
  • The British
  • The Conflict
  • The Pastors
  • The Declaration
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Famous Christian Athletes

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Eli Byrd was a successful college QB…until the Lord called him out of that world. He joins me for today’s Theology Thursday to talk about famous Christian athletes:

  • Fans or Idolaters?
  • What should we expect from famous Christian athletes?
  • Why do so many use Philippians 4:13?
  • What do we do when they mess up?

Eli is the Director of Certificate Services at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary so we’ll also spend a few minutes talking about the incredible new GO CERTIFICATE training classes for laypeople and pastors alike.