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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

First Words of Jesus

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Stand Up & First Words

Pastor David Jeremiah calls-in to tell us about the next stop in his Stand Up tour – Greensboro, NC on October 19th!

Next up is Stu Epperson Jr. and a conversation about his new book, First Words of Jesus: From The Cradle To The Cross.

Finally, a quick update with David Fischer of Landmark Capital/Landmark Gold.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

From China to Kurdistan

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What is God doing in Communist China and the Islamic Middle East?

Pastor Jack leads an underground church in southwest China…in a city the size of Raleigh, NC with 14M people…or 8x the population of Manhattan!

Lynn & Jacob work in Kurdistan, in the city of Erbil, where they are ministering to the Syrian refugees as well as the Kurdish people.

Tune in today at 4pm eastern and be encouraged by what God is doing in these difficult areas!


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Post-Christian Europe

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Taking the Gospel to Europe

Today on Called2Action Radio…

Stories from the front lines of mission work in Europe with Pastor Vlada Donat from the Czech Republic and Pastor Anatol Dunas from Moldova. These men of God are in America this week as part of the missions conference and work being done at Christ Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC and they will join me in the studio today!


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Caught In The Storm

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Please join me in prayer.

Today we are going to break the live radio rules (again) and spend our time together in prayer for those who have been and will be impacted by hurricane Matthew.

If you have friends or loved ones in the way, please visit my Facebook page below and share their names…or call-in during the live broadcast between 4:06pm-5:00pm eastern and we will join you in praying for them.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Love Languages and Prison Ministries

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We are on location today from the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Christian Library International where I will be the MC tonight! Its founder, Kathleen Skaar, joins me to talk about her prison ministry.

We’ll also be joined by Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages!


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Do You Love Yourself?

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How is your self-esteem? Is there a difference between self-love & self-esteem?

The world pumps it up = entitlement
Mean people tear it down = depression

Theology Thursday takes on the Self-Esteem Movement with Dr. Tate Cockrell, Professor of Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
