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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Not your mama’s Christian college.

By Podcast

Daniel and his buddies were carried off into exile and forced to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s court where they excelled and glorified God. Given the choice, should we send our kids off to “Babylon” and actually train them to invade the culture shaping companies in finance, media, and the arts in order to shine the light of Christ and His Word into the darkness?

Dr. Gregory Alan Thornbury is the President of The King’s College in New York City and he joins me today to talk about this amazing approach to Christian higher education.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Mother’s Day is Offensive

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast

Today on Called2Action Radio:

-Mothers day and Fathers day replaced with “Guardians Day?”

-Supreme Court rejects an appeal to reinstate NC Voter ID law.

-North Korea’s most recent threats.

-An open letter from Ravi Zacharias.

-A Money Monday update with David Fischer of Landmark Capital.