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Ephesians 1:18-19a

“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”

When the Bible speaks of “the eyes of your heart,” it is referring to the very core of your being – emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. This is the foundation of your life, and if it’s not right, your life will bear those scars. Paul’s prayer is that our hearts would be filled with the Truth of God’s Word so that we may KNOW, to the core of our being, the following three things:

  • Christ has called you to an eternal hope, which is the absolute certainty of a future good. If you can trust in the hope of your final destination, which is Christ Jesus (1 Tim 1:1), then the rocky road along the way will be much easier to bear.
  • God considers YOU to be His glorious inheritance…His treasure…His prize! This is a shocking reminder that although the world and your circumstances may say, “You are worthless,” the God of the Universe says, “You are my treasure!”
  • Paul is not praying that Believers would receive power, but that they would recognize the power they had already received! Power over sin. Power over fear. Power over self. God’s power resides in you and its there for the taking.

If you get these three remarkable truths deep down into the core of your being, you will be amazed at what God can do in and through your life…so open the eyes of our hearts, Lord! Open the eyes of our hearts!