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Rap and the Gospel
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Rap and The Gospel

Today rap and the Gospel coincide. Well-known rap artist, Kanye West, has claimed from here on out only be making gospel music. He claims to he is going to stop making secular music altogether. The claims of him being born again are backed-up by the fact that he is starting a Sunday Service. Furthermore, at one of Kanye’s concerts, he even had a time of worship and devotion. Kanye’s heart is only known God himself, but we pray that he is surrounded by sound Gospel!

Additionally, another Money Monday update with David Fischer of Landmark Capital Gold. To learn more about the state of America’s economy, check out



Here at The Steve Noble Show, we wish to spread the good news of the Gospel to all nations through the airwaves. This mission, like other missions, requires funding. The main funding of the show and this mission is from donations of listeners. So, we prayerfully and humbly ask to donate if you are so convicted to –

Thank you and God Bless