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Ephesians 6:14a

“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth…”

Paul was using the image of a Roman soldier to paint a picture of how a Christian must daily prepare themselves for battle, and it all started with the belt of truth. For a Roman soldier, the belt was the first part of the uniform to be put in place as it was used to secure and enable all of the other parts. It was the foundation of their battle-ready posture.

In today’s culture, truth has become a relative word. What may be “true for you” is not necessarily “true for me.” The truth can be stretched, manipulated, or re-defined. Not so for the Christian. Truth is set. Truth is fixed. Truth is reality and reality has been clearly defined by it’s Creator.

So, where do we find Truth? Truth is found in the Word of God. The more you study it, the more you will know the truth, and the more the truth will set you free to win the daily battles you will face (John 8:32). I was interviewed recently for a documentary about the state of the church in America and was asked what the number one problem was. The answer was easy: biblical illiteracy.

Some 70% of Americans think they are Christians but most likely are not because they don’t know what truly saves (faith vs. works). Millions are biblical Christians but are ineffective or carnal because they don’t know God’s Word very well or refuse to live it out consistently. The ones that remain are leading the charge because they have fastened on the belt of truth by knowing and doing God’s Word.

Which one are you?