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Psalm 96:3 (NIV)

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

H.G. Wells, the famous writer known chiefly for his science fiction novels, was also a great historian. In his writings on Jesus of Nazareth he said, “I am an historian, I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history.” H.G. Wells is not alone in his historical assessment. If you Google “most influential people of all time,” Jesus of Nazareth will reside at the top of most lists but will appear no lower than third place when he doesn’t. Given the universality of his historical significance and influence, why do so many of His followers have such a hard time bringing him up in conversation?

Psalm 96 is so important on this subject that it is recorded twice in the Bible. It was first written in 1 Chronicles 16 as part of the song that David composed when the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem. Then it was excerpted and given its own place in the book of Psalms as Psalm 96. It can be broken down into three main actions: Sing, Ascribe, and Say. And why should we do these things? “For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary” (v. 4, 6). And therein lies the rub when it comes to bringing up the most influential individual to have ever walked the face of the earth: Nobody else on those Top 100 lists claimed to be God and the only way by which man can be forgiven, saved, and granted access to Heaven when they die (Jn. 14:6). “Jesus” is a loaded word, to say the least, and every Believer knows it. So does just about every unbeliever you will ever encounter.


When you understand not only Who God Is, but What He Has Done, how can you help but to “Sing to the Lord a new song” (v. 1)? Jesus of Nazareth is the only “Top 100” to step down from His lofty perch in order to purchase your salvation! He did it as a natural outworking of his incredible love for you! He bore the full penalty for your sins (and mine) on a bloody cross so that salvation would be made possible! You are FULLY known and FULLY loved! He doesn’t hold your mistakes against you and has separated them as far as the east is from the west! He indwells your heart through the Holy Spirit and will never leave you nor forsake you! He has gone ahead to Heaven to prepare a majestic place for you and He will be the first one you encounter on the other side of this earthly life! SING!


Three times in Psalm 96 the command is issued: ascribe, ascribe, ascribe. The word “ascribe” means to give proper credit to someone. How do you divide up the credit you give in your life? How much do you ascribe to your parents, spouse, kids, health, work, talent, abilities…and how much do you ascribe to God? When things are going well, who gets the credit? When your daily bread is provided for, who do you thank? When you are recognized for your efforts, who do you ascribe those accolades to? When people remark about the good news in your life, who gets that glory? God is the ultimate source of every blessing, every promotion, every provision, every good day, and every good thing on the earth. We need to give credit where credit is due. He is also the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Maker of Heaven and Earth. ASCRIBE!


We’re also to take this message to our world, and it is a message that the Lord Jesus is coming to judge the world. That’s not a bad thing, but a good thing. He’s going to dispense with evil. He’s going to judge and eradicate whatever is wrong with His creation. The heavens and earth and seas and fields and the very trees of the forest are anticipating this moment—groaning, actually— when the curse will be lifted, and evil will be judged. And in the end, for His Children, He will wipe away every tear, heal every disease, mend every broken heart, and provide an everlasting splendor that is beyond human comprehension. When you get engaged, is there anyone you won’t tell? When you have your first child, is there anyone you won’t share that with? Those are wonderful moments that others usually delight in with you, but that news is of no lasting impact in their lives. The Good News of Jesus Christ, on the other hand, is an announcement that has eternal significance for every person in all of human history. Most know of him, but don’t know him. SAY!