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The Overcomer

The brand new movie, Overcomer, out in theaters now! Today, joining us is Aryn Wright-Thompson, the main actress in the overcomer movie! To learn more about the movie check out –

Plus, a brief look into the new “gay gene”. Studies have shown that it is a myth, however, new studies have shown it might be there. But, there might be some bias seeing that the head researcher is a homosexual.

Moreover in some crazy news, locally a high-school English teacher handed out a mandatory “Diversity Inventory”. This asked very personal questions such as religion and sexual orientation. The school responded by telling the teacher to remove the inventory.

Additionally, more wacky stories all happening this week. Hear more on this week’s weekly wrap-up.


Here at The Steve Noble Show, we wish to spread the good news of the Gospel to all nations through the airwaves. This mission, like other missions, requires funding. The main funding of the show and this mission is from donations of listeners. So, we prayerfully and humbly ask to donate if you are so convicted to –

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