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Colossians 3:20

“Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord.”

Pleasing the All Mighty Maker of Heaven and Earth has got to be a pretty good idea, don’t you think? It’s also something that will please your mom and dad and help bring peace into your home. So why is it so hard to obey?

Most of us struggle with obedience, regardless of our age. I don’t have to answer to my parents anymore, but I do have to answer to God, and sometimes that’s hard to do. Truth be told, we all have the same problem: we are too focused on ourselves. We want what we want when we want it and we don’t take kindly to anyone telling us we can’t have it.

If you are a child, there are a few things you need to remember:

1. God loves you and wants the best for you.
2. Your parents love you and want the best for you.
3. All of them know better than you do.

Obeying your parents pleases the Lord because it allows Him to bless you as much as possible and it proves to Him that you love Him (John 14:5). Those are both pretty awesome things, aren’t they?

APPLICATION: Children should agree to obey their parents 100% of the time for one day as an experiment. No whining then obeying. No arguing then obeying. Just obey. Try it for one single day and then discuss how it impacted your family.