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Philippians 4:9 (NLT)

“Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”

The Christian life really can be summed up in two words: Copy Jesus. If we would take all that we have read in His Word, plus all that we have learned from His anointed teachers, and combine it with the power He has placed within us, it becomes possible to mirror His life. Not easy…but possible.

Notice, additionally, that Paul reminds us to “keep putting into practice” all of these things. It’s a daily battle. You win some moments and lose the others, but you keep on moving forward…you keep putting God’s Word into practice.

Finally, and most importantly, this passage assumes that you are taking the time to learn from His Word in the first place. If you don’t invest the time to study what He says, you can’t possibly expect to be able to live the way He lived.

Read from His Word. Listen to what He said. Consider the way that He lived. Then, copy and repeat!

APPLICATION: Take turns mentioning something that you have learned about Jesus and His ways. Keep going around the circle as quickly as you can without delay! Finally, take turns in prayer mentioning something that you really want to copy about Jesus and His life.