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Romans 15:14

“I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another.”

Paul was addressing his fellow Christians in Rome and had become convinced of their goodness. Not only that, but Paul was also acknowledging that they had become “complete in knowledge” – not that they knew everything there was to know, but that they knew enough about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to live lives that were pleasing to the Lord. Can the same be said of your family or mine?

We all have our bad moments…but we also have our good ones! There are times when my own children do and say things that break my heart, but there are also times when their words and actions are a huge blessing to our entire family. The same is true for my wife and I, too, of course. Our “good moments” should reassure all of us that the peaceful and loving family we all desire lives within us by the power of the Holy Spirit…we just have to set it loose!

Finally, we all need to work on being “complete in knowledge” by spending time as individuals and as a family studying God’s Word. Isaiah 55:11 reminds us that God’s Word never comes back empty and it always accomplishes what He wants it to. Why not take Him up on that promise? The more we do, the better off our families will be.

APPLICATION: Take a few minutes as a family to encourage one another by pointing out some good things that have happened in your home lately. Identify each other’s best traits and talk about how those can help your family on a daily basis. Finally, pray together that God would continue to fill your family with the knowledge of His Word.