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Romans 12:16

“Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!”

If you like music at all, you already know the value of harmony…and how nasty it can be if it’s not there! Bad harmony is like dragging your fingernails down a chalkboard or scraping your fork across a plate; it’s downright painful, isn’t it?
Harmony is a state that God would have all of His children enjoy, but especially within the confines of our own homes.

Harmony arises when different parts work together in unity, while retaining their individuality at the same time. As parents, we have to make sure we don’t give one of our children the impression that we want them to be more like another one of our children. That’s favoritism and it’s a sin, not to mention the fact that God didn’t create any of us to be “like” each other…He wants us to be like Jesus.

Pride hurts our families when we refuse to take second place, or insist on having our own way. Pride takes over when we won’t admit we were wrong. Pride keeps us from rejoicing in another person’s victories…and it makes us happy when others fail. Pride is a singular focus on self rather than a focus on God and others. Pride is at the root of virtually every sin, and parents can be just as guilty as their children.

Finally, most of us tend to act like we know everything, including us parents! It is true, of course, that we actually do know more than our children in most cases, but we should never use that in an arrogant way. Children, on the other hand, need to respect the fact that their parents are much older and wiser…but that doesn’t mean that children can’t add to family life with their input, too!

APPLICATION: Pick a song that your entire family likes and listen to it together. Listen for the harmonies, and then discuss how your family can come together like a song made up of different parts…yet works together to create something beautiful.