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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Where Faith & Culture Intersect

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Intersect: Where Faith Meets Culture

From an early age, we learn to place our faith in a box. We may pull it out on Sundays, but we neatly return it to its hidden place the rest of the week. As a result, faith has little to do with our day-to-day lives. We live, work and play as if God did not exist.

Faith deserves to be reunited with Monday to Saturday. Faith should have everything to do with our day-to-day lives. We should live, work and play for God’s glory.

Andrew Koetsier of the INTERSECT PROJECT at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary joins me for Theology Thursday to talk about this issue.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Buying Gold & Silver = Scam? Paranoia?

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silver and gold

What’s real and what’s hype?

People like Glenn Beck are pushing gold and silver pretty hard these days…but are these valid investments for a Christian?

Also, Austria has joined the list of at least 10 other countries who are using their power to conduct “bail-ins” of banks by arbitrarily reducing the value of their debts as well as literally taking money out of the accounts of their customers. Could that happen here in the United States?

My friend and Christian brother, David Fischer of Landmark Capital , joins me today to help us discern fact from fiction.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Dealing with Doubt

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“I’ll admit it. I have had my moments when I wondered if it’s actually true. In fact, I’ve had more than just moments. Here’s one thing I’ve found. Believers tend to think something is terribly wrong if they have doubts about their faith. Here’s another thing I’ve found. Doubting is NOT—no matter what some might think—an indicator that there is something wrong with Christianity, the Bible, or Jesus. Doubting is an indicator that WE are limited as knowers. Doubting, uncertainty, and questions are not a result of some problem with Christianity. These are the results of our humanity.”

Dr. Jamie Dew penned these words in his opening blog post for a series on DOUBT…and he joins me on the show today to talk about a subject most Christian tend to avoid.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Religious Liberty, Politics, and Idolatry

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Two PhD’s from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary take the helm today to discuss religious liberty on a number of fronts:

  • Politics & Idolatry
  • A Christian Approach to Politics
  • Hills to Die On
  • Christianity as our Ultimate Hope

Dr. Jamie Dew and Dr. Bruce Ashford are filling in for me today.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Faith to Feed Thousands!

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Laura-Catherine Etheridge definitely has faith in Jesus…but she also has good works that flow out of that faith. Today on Called2Action we’ll discuss another example of what our extraordinary God can do with an ordinary person = providing 20,000 meals for orphans in Zambia, Africa!

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Sin 101

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Theology Thursday takes a hard look at SIN.

Dr. Danny Akin is the President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and he joins me today to unpack SIN:

  • sin defined?
  • different types of sin?
  • are some worse than others?
  • if you sin too much do you lose your salvation?
  • should you sin less as you mature in your faith?
  • other people’s sin?
  • does sin impact your heavenly rewards?
  • just a sinner saved by grace?
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

PayPal says “no” to NC but “yes” to CUBA?

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast

PayPal chooses Cuba over North Carolina? The cultural divide in America is growing deeper and more contentious by the day:

  • PayPal & Corporate America vs. NC
  • Mississippi Governor vs. Gays
  • American Voters vs. America Herself

We’ll talk about it on today’s show…and consider a Christian response.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Contested Convention 101

By Podcast, The 2016 Election Stories

What happens in July if Trump doesn’t have 1,237 delegates?

It could be over with one vote…or it could quickly become a ZOO. I’ll share the process on today’s show. Also…some amazing stories that are NOT showing up in the mainstream media that you WANT to hear about!