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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Pastor. Planner. Rocker.

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Pastor Mark Harris is not afraid to talk about politics or politicians from the pulpit of First Baptist Charlotte in North Carolina. Today he’ll speak out on Trump, Hillary, the NC HB2 “Bathroom Bill” controversy, and his work with the Family Research Council helping churches start Culture Impact Teams.

Mark Bentley of Doxa Planning is a Kingdom-minded planner and at the ripe old age of 23 he is about to host his 3rd annual celebrity gold tournament, the Tenth Avenue North Classic, to raise money and awareness  for three different ministries.

Jeff Owen is the lead guitarist for the successful Christian rock band, Tenth Avenue North, and he calls in to share why the band works so hard on and off the stage to glorify God, including their partnership in the Tenth Avenue North Classic.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Are You Broken?

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Are you broken, relationally? Sexually?

Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems. Their help is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God. (Fine a group near you here)

They seek to convey Jesus, “full of grace and truth,” (John 1:14) to broken ones seeking mercy.

If you are in the Raleigh, NC area…my guests today are launching a new group in September, but applications need to be in by August 14th. You can find that information HERE.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Welcome To Uncharted Territory

By Podcast, The 2016 Election Stories

The 2016 Election and Beyond

I have no idea what life will look like for my four children when they are my age…

Today on Called2Action:

  • Never Trump vs. Lesser of Two Evils…but Together?
  • Uncharted Territory?
  • American Christianity: Collapsing or Changing?
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Christ On Campus

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Most college students get further away from God, to say the least…but some of them actually become born again Christians…and four of them join me on today’s show!

Alan Mitchell is a new friend who works with Every Nation Ministries, an organization whose mission field is college students all around the globe. Alan has a pretty remarkable testimony himself and I am excited to have him join me on today’s show along with three young people who met the Lord in college via Every Nation: Bria, Byron, and Lane.

Alan is located in Raleigh, NC these days and if you feel led to support the amazing work and fruit that God is bringing about through Every Nation you can support the Raleigh efforts here.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: The History Of Ideas

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From early Middle Eastern and Asian philosophy to Greek and Roman thought through various periods of renaissance and enlightenment. Many of the ancient ideas are still in play today and can have a profound impact on your faith in the Western World.

Amber Bowen is a Masters Student in Philosophy at Southeastern Seminary and also teaches the History of Ideas at The College at Southeastern and she joins me today to unpack this important topic. She will also share a bit of her experiences as a woman in the world of academia.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Trump vs. The Church

By Podcast, The 2016 Election Stories

To vote for Trump or not to vote for Trump…that is the question that is sending shockwaves through the conservative church in America, and it’s getting pretty ugly out there.

Today on Called2Action Radio, I’ll attempt to wade through both sides of the issue…but my main goal is a call to unity. Is that even possible on this one?

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

The Philosophy Of Human Sexuality

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast
  • Dr. David Talcott is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The King’s College in New York City and he joins me today to discuss:
    • The role of philosophy in the Christian life
    • Why The King’s College makes every student take several philosophy courses
    • The need for Christians to engage the issues of transgenderism & homosexuality
    • The Philosophy of Transgenderism
    • The Philosophy of Homosexuality
    • The church’s response + the role of individual Christians

    Dr. Talcott earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from Indiana University — Bloomington after majoring in philosophy at Hillsdale College. David resides in Plainfield, New Jersey with his wife, Anna, and six children. He is an Elder at Covenant Presbyterian Church of Millburn and Short Hills, a congregation in the Presbyterian Church in America.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

NC vs. NBA

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast
  • NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest joins me to talk about the NBA’s decision to “punish” the state of North Carolina over their controversial HB2 “bathroom bill” by moving next year’s All Star Game out of Charlotte.Also…my takeaways from the Trump speech at last week’s GOP Convention as well as a Money Monday Update with David Fischer of Landmark Capital.
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Are Glenn Beck & Mitt Romney Going To Hell?

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  • Both men love America. They both seem to be very nice…live very honorable lives…and talk about loving God and loving Jesus.However…both of them are active members of the Mormon church. Will Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney end up in hell?

    Brian Boyles was born into a Mormon family on May 31, 1976 in Charlotte, NC. In 1998, he formally left Mormonism and gave his heart to Christ and immediately began serving Jesus. Within one year, Brian was able to lead his father to Christ. Brian accepted God’s call to ministry two years later. Today he serves as the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Snellville – a large congregation in the Atlanta area – and he joins me for today’s show.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

It’s Only Half Over

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  • The GOP Convention in Cleveland:There hasn’t been any violence…thank the Lord…but there have been plenty of interesting moments and developments. We’ll talk about it all on today’s show!
    • Melania’s plagiarized remarks
    • Donald Jr’s popular speech
    • The Never Trump and Cruz camps defeated
    • The Muslim’s closing prayer
    • The Trump Kid’s roles
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

The Bishop Speaks Out

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  • Bishop Garland Hunt is a Preacher with a law degree who served as a judicial law clerk and staff attorney with the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. He has spent years working for racial reconciliation.In 2004, he was appointed to the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles by Governor Sonny Purdue and served as chairman of the Parole Board in 2006. In 2010, Hunt was commissioner of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice. In 2011, he served as president of Prison Fellowship.In March 2015, Bishop Wellington Boone installed Bishop Hunt as Senior Pastor of The Father’s House. Each week, Bishop Hunt demonstrates his pastor’s heart through his passionate preaching and vibrant leadership.
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Money Monday: Worldwide Turbulence

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  • One of the biggest banks in Europe is on the verge of collapse…
  • The stock market’s variability…
  • Gold 101: Friend’s & Foe’s/Up’s & Down’s…

The world is reeling, including the United States. David Fischer of Landmark Capital joins me to help make sense of it all with respect to our economic life and investments.

Get the information you need to be a good steward of your finances by visiting the Landmark Capital website or calling David’s team at (877) 448-2646