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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Sexuality. Politics. Money.

By Podcast

What did we talk about on today’s Called2Action Radio?

– Bombshell report on sexual orientation & transgenderism
– Federal judge in Texas blocks Obama’s trangender activism in schools
– Hillary or Trump?
– David Fischer from Landmark Capital & with a Money Monday update.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Hillary vs. Trump

By Podcast, The 2016 Election Stories

What’s A Good Christian To Do?

The debate is raging between the #NeverTrump crowd and the #StopHillary crowd…but which one is most closely aligned with the #JesusChrist crowd?

Dr. David Innes is the Chair of the Program in Politics, Economics, and Philosophy at The King’s College in NYC and he joins me to walk through this minefield on today’s show.

Dr. Innes earned his Ph.D. from Boston College and has taught previously at Assumption College and Stonehill College in Massachusetts, and Geneva College in Pennsylvania. He served as a pastor for several years in Iowa and is still a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He has authored two books related to today’s subject:

Left, Right & Christ: Evangelical Faith in Politics

The Voting Christian: Seeking Wisdom for the Ballot Box

Both can be found here.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Riots, Rain, and Refugees

By ISIS / Islam Stories, Podcast

On today’s Called2Action Radio:

1. The situation in Milwaukee and the “Uncle Tom’s” response.
2. Guarding ourselves from the social media feeding frenzy ‪#‎crabtree‬)
3. Iran, Russia, and Iraq.
4. Syrian Refugees and ISIS.
5. Helping folks in Louisiana & Mississippi.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: The Theology Of School Choice

By Podcast

Where would God send your kids off to school? Public? Private Christian? Homeschool?

Today on Theology Thursday we’ll wade into this difficult question with Drew Davis of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he is beginning his PhD in Education. After receiving his Masters in Higher Education Administration, Drew went on to work at North Carolina State, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, and Meredith College.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

A Transgendered Journey – Part 2

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast

I will be sharing Part 2 of my interview with Abi on today’s show.

Abi Austen was born Ian Hamilton and served courageously on the front lines with the British Army.  Today, she is fighting on the front lines of the culture war as she works to advance transgendered rights, and specifically, is speaking out against North Carolina’s HB2 “Bathroom Bill.”

She interviewed me yesterday for a British documentary she is making for BBC and then we turned the tables and I interviewed her for Called2Action.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

A Transgendered Journey

By Gender Bender Stories, Podcast

Abi was the UK’s first transgendered Army officer.

Abi Austen was born Ian Hamilton and served courageously on the front lines with the British Army.  Today, she is fighting on the front lines of the culture war as she works to advance transgendered rights, and specifically, is speaking out against North Carolina’s HB2 “Bathroom Bill.”

She interviewed me earlier today for a British documentary she is making and then we turned the tables and I interviewed her for today’s Called2Action.
