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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday (on a Friday): Biblical Inerrancy

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Ask the President

We had some tech problems yesterday and lost the live connection. Dr. Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, is BACK today to talk to us about the reliability of the Bible.

Is the Bible 100% error-free after all of these years? Is it 100% reliable? 100% true? What parts do we take literally? What parts are just symbolic?

Tune in for today’s Theology Thursday as we talk about the B-I-B-L-E.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: The History Of Ideas

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From early Middle Eastern and Asian philosophy to Greek and Roman thought through various periods of renaissance and enlightenment. Many of the ancient ideas are still in play today and can have a profound impact on your faith in the Western World.

Amber Bowen is a Masters Student in Philosophy at Southeastern Seminary and also teaches the History of Ideas at The College at Southeastern and she joins me today to unpack this important topic. She will also share a bit of her experiences as a woman in the world of academia.

The Steve Noble Show Podcast

From Pastor to Precious Metals

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TODAY on Called2Action Radio…

I’m talking to David Fischer of Landmark Capital about:

1. His testimony and journey from pastor to precious metals.
2. International & Domestic financial news.
3. History of money in the United States.
4. Developing issues on the horizon.
5. Matthew 10:16 – Wolves, Doves, and Serpents


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Your Heart vs. Your Mind

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Dr. Jamie Dew is Associate Professor of History of Ideas and Philosophy as well as Dean of The College at Southeastern and he joins me today to discuss how we balance the feelings of our heart with our intellect or reason.

Can we trust our feelings? How do we blend emotions and intellect? When the bible talks about the heart, what does it mean?

Have a college-bound student? Check out the great programs at The College at Southeastern!


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Born Gay?

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Joe Dallas began at 8 years of age…

From an early age, Joe felt out of place. But when middle-aged men began to take an interest in him, he soaked it up…and that began a long journey into and out of the world of homosexuality.

Today, Joe Dallas is an author, speaker, and pastoral counselor who conducts seminars nationwide. He is the founder of Genesis Biblical Solutions in Tustin, California, and has written six books on human sexuality from a Christian perspective, including such authoritative resources as the bestselling Desires in Conflict, The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality, and The Gay Gospel? His articles have been featured in Christianity Today magazine and the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, and he is a regular contributor to the Christian Research Journal.

Joe will be in Raleigh, NC for Beyond Imagination’s Transforming Grace Conference on Sept. 9-10. Registration is just $40 but Pastors get in FREE! Visit the Transforming Grace page HERE for more information and to register.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Theology Thursday: Christian Rap = Oxymoron?

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William “Duce” Branch – a.k.a. The Ambassador – is a PhD candidate at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary AND a Christian rapper. Pastor Chris Connell sits in for me to discuss the hip hop culture with Duce and see how God may be using it to reach people we otherwise would not be able to reach.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Bible Study Blues

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“Bible Study Fellowship” Changed My Life

Are you singing the bible study blues? Either you aren’t in a regular bible study group – which will bring on the blues in your life –  or you are in a bible study that isn’t taking you where you want to go. Either way… Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is for you!!!

Bill & Stephanie Lestini teach a young adults BSF class in Raleigh, NC and they join me today to talk about the how’s and why’s of bible study!

Odds are good that there is a BSF class near YOU! Check out their class locations here.
