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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Are Glenn Beck & Mitt Romney Going To Hell?

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  • Both men love America. They both seem to be very nice…live very honorable lives…and talk about loving God and loving Jesus.However…both of them are active members of the Mormon church. Will Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney end up in hell?Brian Boyles was born into a Mormon family on May 31, 1976 in Charlotte, NC. In 1998, he formally left Mormonism and gave his heart to Christ and immediately began serving Jesus. Within one year, Brian was able to lead his father to Christ. Brian accepted God’s call to ministry two years later. Today he serves as the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Snellville – a large congregation in the Atlanta area – and he joins me for today’s show.
The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Your Child’s Gay Wedding

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Should You Attend?

Jesus hung out with sinners…and even dined in their homes…so we know that he would spend time with people engaged in homosexual behavior…but would he show up at their wedding?

It’s one thing to talk about it as a case study…but what if it’s your son or daughter?

We’ll work through this on today’s show.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Revive Us, Lord!

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30-Days of Prayer in October (…and boy, do we need it!)

Dr. Chris Schofield is the director of the Office of Prayer for Evangelization and Spiritual Awakening for the North Carolina Baptist Convention. The Office of Prayer for Evangelization and Spiritual Awakening assists churches, associations and entities in the development of prayer strategies, ministries, networks and conferences that focus on global evangelization and awakening.

Are you ready for a 30-day prayer effort for personal and church-wide revival? Join us in October with the IMPACT Prayer Guide & Daily Devotional. You can download a copy HERE.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Success in the Hood

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Student Leadership…to say the least.

In Newark, New Jersey, a city struggling with poverty, crime, and failing schools, a school for boys led by Benedictine monks has helped 95% of its senior class go on to college by emphasizing personal responsibility, Christian community, and The Rule of St. Benedict.

Alan Hahn is the Chief Educational Officer of Iron Academy in Raleigh, NC and he joins me LIVE today from St. Benedict’s Prep School in Newark, NJ.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Serving God & Man Through Business & Entrepreneurship

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“I came that you might have life and have it to the full” – John 10:10

Professor Dawn Fotopulos knows what it’s like to live a John 10:10 kind of life. Dawn has spent over 20 years in business as a Wall Street trader, served as vice president at Citigroup, and is serial entrepreneur (she has launched 80 businesses!).

Today, she is investing that experience into the students at The King’s College in NYC as Associate Professor of Business and she joins me on the air to discuss how a Christian can use small business & entrepreneurship to bless God and provide a platform for human flourishing!
