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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Money Monday – The State of the Market

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Today’s MONEY MONDAY on Called2Action Radio…

I spoke to David Fischer of Landmark Capital about:

1. Market Update
2. Worldwide Gold Investment Changing due to Islam?
3. Trump vs. Dodd-Frank Act
4. What is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and is it constitutional?
5. Why the massive sell-off in Treasury Bonds?

Get Landmark’s FREE February newsletter: Stocks and Gold – Two Bull Markets You Don’t Want To Miss.

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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Helping Traumatized Orphans w/RiverCross

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Today on Called2Action Radio I spoke to Cindy Finley and Martha Sichone Cameron of RiverCross…an amazing organization that utilizes audio drama to train orphan care givers on how to minister to the trauma that plagues most orphan’s hearts and minds.

You can learn more by visiting
