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The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Parents, Kids, and Sports: How Much is Too Much?

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Crazy schedules…sacrificing family time…a minor chance of major success. That’s the world of Parents, Kids, and Sports…but is it worthwhile for a Christian family?

Billy Vernon has been involved with coaching at both the high school and college level and he is also working on his Masters of Divinity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary…and he was my special guest on today’s Theology Thursday.


The Steve Noble Show Podcast

Money Monday

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Money Monday on today’s Called2Action Radio show…with David Fischer, CEO of Landmark Capital.

1. Market Update…is it slowing down?
2. Deutsche Bank…will it survive?
3. Interest Rates…going up?
4. Debt Ceiling…going up, again?
5. Investing in Gold/Silver…Who does it? Why? In what form?
