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Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Wow! This is a sweet promise, isn’t it? I need to get together my “wish list” right away: 5-bedroom house with home theater + a new Porsche + a Disney cruise for the family + new clothes for my wife and I + double my income and expand my radio & teaching ministries. This is going to be awesome!
Wait a minute…I’ve prayed for stuff like this in the past but haven’t gotten it…at least not yet. What’s the deal?

Unfortunately, today’s verse would definitely make it onto the list of “Most Abused Scripture of All Time”. Many preachers have taught that if you just ask with enough faith and persist long enough then God will make it so. This is the essence of the “name it and claim it” crowd and a classic case of lifting Scripture out of context for your own personal use. Doing this is not only irresponsible, but can be very harmful.

Look back over the first six verses of this chapter and you will find a pretty high bar set for us. Add back in the previous chapters and WOW! How in the world can any of us live out the Christian life that Jesus describes? Enter today’s verses. This verse has less to do with our material needs and far more to do with our spiritual needs: grace, humility, self-control, meekness, patience, gentleness…throw in all the Fruits of the Spirit and you are on the right track.

All of us need plenty of help to live out the supernatural life that Jesus calls us to, and today’s verse urges us on to an ever-increasing intensity in prayer for the raw material required to “Live as children of light” (Eph. 5:8b).