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John 14:5-6

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

One of the biggest complaints heard around the world about Christianity is its claim to exclusivity. “You Christians are so arrogant to claim that your way is the only way,” they exclaim, usually with frustration and disdain. I can understand where they are coming from. Nearly 69% of the world’s population is non-Christian, including 15.6% who claim no religion whatsoever (secular/agnostic/atheistic). Would you be comfortable telling most of the world that they are wrong with their deeply held beliefs? Not just a little off or slightly inaccurate…but Dead Wrong.

Jesus certainly was.

Thomas was confused…but he was also willing to be honest. Jesus was talking about going away to some place and he made it sound as if the disciples knew what he was talking about. They didn’t. “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” It was a great question. Jesus’ answer was even better and came in two life-shattering and eternally significant parts.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”

Jesus didn’t say that He would show us a way; He said that He is the way. He didn’t promise to teach us a truth; He said that He is the truth. Jesus didn’t offer us the secrets to life; He said that He is the life (Enduring Word Commentary). He did not command us to look to a religious ceremony or some religious leader like a pastor, priest, or pope. He commanded us to look to HIM. Confused about how to live your life? Confused about what is true and what is false? Confused about the meaning of your life? Jesus said that HE is the answer to all of those things, and the more you study Him and His Word, the more you will find that to be absolutely correct:

“Without the way there is no going; without the truth there is no knowing; without the life there is no living. I am the way which thou must follow; the truth in which thou must believe; the life for which thou must hope.”  – Thomas à Kempis

“No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Most people, including far too many self-identified Christians, consider Jesus to be one of many ways to reach God and/or Heaven…but they are choosing to deny something that Jesus made abundantly clear. Pastor and Evangelist Greg Laurie throws a curveball at his Harvest Crusades that can make many bible-believing Christians nervous…for a second or two. He likes to say, “It may shock you to know that I believe all roads do, in fact, lead to God.” Then a dramatic pause. “But,” Greg continues, “…only one road leads to Heaven, and that road is Jesus Christ!”


Every single human that has ever lived will face their Creator one day, and the only way to survive that Judgment is faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Your good behavior won’t do, nor belief in any other spiritual leader or religion. Sadly, most will agree with Jesus as a wonderful man and effective teacher but stop short of acknowledging him as Lord. Which camp are you in?