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Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Whatever is lovely? That sounds a bit sappy, I know, but think of it more in terms of “winsomeness” and you will be on the right track. The original Greek word is prosphile: “pros” = towards and “phile” = friend. It’s the kind of conduct that is pleasing in its motives and actions towards others.

Of course, Jesus should pop into our minds as a perfect example of what it means to be “lovely” towards others. Consider how He treated the outcasts of society like the lepers and the prostitutes and the tax collectors and the women and the children. Think about His interaction with the woman at the well. He basically set her up in order to draw out her sin, but then He went on to minister to her and bless both her and her town. Jesus was…lovely.

How often do you stop to consider how you treat the people in your life? Are you kind? Generous? Patient? Are you a good listener? Are you slow to anger and slow to speak? Identify who the “lovely” people are in your life and think about what makes them that way. Study the words and deeds of Jesus and think about how He interacted with the people around Him. Think on these lovely things and then go and do likewise.