Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Hopefully, your mind doesn’t immediately go to politics when you hear the phrase “whatever is right.” If it does, you might need to unplug a bit from the world of politics and re-direct that time into God’s Word. Just sayin’.
So what makes something “right?” It conforms to God’s standard of righteousness. So…take an inventory of the things you focus on every day. What you watch on television. What you look at on the Internet. The types of things you read when you are on the stair-climbing machine. The radio stations you listen to when you are out running around. All of this input has an effect on the things you think about.
Jews considered the eye to be the window of the soul. In our media-saturated world I would add the ear to that, as well. Consequently, much of how we think (Phil 4:8) is determined by what we choose to soak ourselves in. When you turn on the radio or the TV or the computer today, just stop for a second and ask yourself, “Is this a righteous thing?” If it is, think deeply and seriously about it according to Philippians 4:8! If it isn’t…turn it off, shut it down, or close it up.
Pour into your soul that which is true…that which is noble…that which is right. You will be amazed at how much of a difference it makes! God’s Word is funny that way.