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Ephesians 2:19

“So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family.”

Gentiles, or non-Jews, had been on the outside looking in for ages. Jews were God’s chosen people and everybody knew it…especially the Jews. As a result, gentiles were second-class citizens, to say the least. Think of the illegal immigrants of today and you are on the right track.

All of a sudden, Gentiles are on equal footing with Jewish followers of Christ. What happened? “So now” is what happened. Jesus came to reconcile sinners to Himself and in doing so, He reconciled His followers to one another. Before Jesus there was division. After Christ there is unity.

There are no “second-class” Christians. God uniquely values every one of us, regardless of age, sex, background, natural ability, spiritual ability, maturity, eloquence, perceived righteousness, position, or wealth. The former sluggard sits at the banquet table with the C.E.O., and they both get a cut of the finest meat. They are brothers-in-Christ and co-equals in God’s family.

The next time you catch yourself looking down at another Christian, remember Ephesians 2:19. They are just as loved and just as valued in the King’s sight as you are.