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El Paso and Dayton
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El Paso and Dayton

The recent events surrounding El Paso and Dayton are horrific. The shooting themselves are not to blame on a sole political party. However, they’re to blame on the human depravity in the world. The El Paso shooting was a right-winged nationalist. Whereas, the Dayton shooter leaned more to the left.

Moreover, in recent times gun violence has gone down in America. However, the rate of mass shootings has gone up. Speaking on this, Trump gave 5 ways to “prevent” more mass shootings.

  1. Know the Signs
  2. Stop Glorifying Violence (Movies, Video Games, Etc.)
  3. Reform Mental Illness Laws
  4. Firearms Can be Taken if One is Depression or Has Some Mental Illnesses
  5. Better Background Checks for Firearms

Like most shootings, it was horrific for all. Please continue to pray for El Paso and Dayton and the families affected.


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