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Proverbs 12:13

The wicked are trapped by their own words, but the godly escape such trouble.

How many times have you said to yourself, “Why did I say that?” Or, how often do you bend the truth and walk away wondering if and when it will come back to haunt you? One lie tends to lead to another as the snowball moves down the hill and gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Eventually, our harsh words and/or lies will come back around and the next thing you know? Your trapped.

God knows exactly what is waiting for us when we allow our words to outpace our convictions. Damaged relationships…damaged reputations…and a hardened heart. And while you might think you are getting away with the occasional outburst or “little white lie”, God knows that you are painting yourself into a corner and numbing your conscience. It’s amazing what you can get used to and how blind you can become to the depths of your depravity.

On the contrary, godly people think carefully before they speak. They remember where their wicked words have taken them in the past and learn from those mistakes. They don’t paint themselves into any corners and they don’t have to cover their tracks. Yes, they mess up from time to time, but the arc of their verbal life is trending more and more towards kindness and truth. As a result, they walk in freedom and don’t have to spend much time cleaning up their messes.

Over and over again the Bible warns us about the destructive power of our words. God expects us to tell the truth and hates it when we lie. Additionally, when our words violate the law of love they violate the very nature of the Savior, himself. Choose the godly path and you will escape the trouble that has married itself to wicked speech. Continue to speak wicked words with wicked intent and you will end up trapped in the cold and isolated cave of your sin.