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Proverbs 11:17

Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you.

Kindness – the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate.

Synonyms – warm-heartedness, affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care, consideration, helpfulness, thoughtfulness, unselfishness, compassion, generosity, understanding, charitable.

Do you know many people that you would call “kind”? In our dog-eat-dog world this is not a personal quality that gets a lot of attention, but it is certainly something that is close to the heart of God. Interestingly, some of the stories that get “shared” or “liked” the most on social media are not the salacious ones or the ones that get your blood boiling…but the ones that tell stories of kindness. It seems there is a much deeper longing for that then there is for divisiveness and derision.

Kindness is a quality that brings great value into life, both for the giver and for the receiver. Kindness takes the edge off of an existence that is oftentimes cruel, insensitive, and unmerciful. Kindness places a loving focus on the wellbeing of others while cruelty only serves to bring them down…to punish them…to belittle them. In addition, cruelty rots the soul of the offender, and hardens their heart to the qualities of God that would otherwise draw them to the cross of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was the ultimate example of kindness, of course, and should be our daily model on the subject. He loved the unlovable leper. He showed compassion to the corrupt tax collector. He took pity on the adulteress. He fed the hungry, restored sight to the blind, and gave motion to the lame. Jesus took the time to listen to the proud and marginalized alike and to all who would listen or look his way…he was kind. Oh that this would be said of you and I today!