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Proverbs 11:14

Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisors.

Everyone needs good advice, regardless of their station in life. You may see a charismatic politician rise to the top and become the leader of a nation…but if he doesn’t surround himself with wise advisors, his leadership will falter and his nation may fall. Sadly, many of us do the same thing.

God inspired Solomon to write Proverbs to teach young men (and women) to be wise. Here is an important rule of prudence and wisdom: Do not make large decisions without consulting a variety of wise and successful people who are not emotionally, personally, or financially involved. They can apply their wisdom and experience to your situation without the distracting and distorting influences that may be corrupting your thoughts.In doing so, not only will you be wise, but you will be safe.

That being said, not every counselor will do. If you choose to only check your ideas and decisions with your friends, most of them will agree with you to keep your friendship and/or to avoid making you mad or hurting your feelings. This very thing happened to Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. After the death of his father, he listened to his young friends rather than his father’s older and wiser counselors. Because of this foolish choice, he lost 10 of his nation’s 12 tribes to a rival (I Kgs 12:1-20).

If you desire to grow in wisdom, you will be willing to shelve your thoughts and replace them with the opinions of wise counselors. This is a hard choice to make, because you sinfully hate being criticized or corrected. You want to be the wise one that always makes outstanding decisions. You must learn to swallow your pride and subject your ideas and plans to the analysis and examination of others. By choosing godly and successful people as your counselors, you can instantly raise the quality and results of your decisions.