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Proverbs 6:18

There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: feet that race to do evil…

If evil thoughts and imaginations are nurtured and fed, they eventually lead to outward acts of sin. Our feet follow where our hearts and minds and thoughts have already gone. Proverbs 23:7 says that as we think in our hearts, so are we. Today’s passage isn’t simply acknowledging that your feet go along for the ride…it’s talking about feet that are more than willing. In fact, feet that race to – and then create – the scene of the crime.

Of course, every follower of Christ will be faced with various temptations. It is a normal part of our lives (1 Cor. 10:13). But we must never go looking for it. Feet that race to do evil are eager to sin. They are actively looking for an opportunity to do evil. They aren’t blind-sided. They get what they are looking for.

Most likely, it would be easy to cross yourself off this list. I’m hopeful that you aren’t “on the prowl” for sin, but for many of us, this “race to do evil” might be harder to discern. Are you hyper-critical of others? Are you looking over the details of their lives in order to find a chink in their armor? Maybe your feet are racing there. Are you choosing to be overly sensitive as a way to play the victim? Do you assume everyone is out to get you so that you can play the martyr? Maybe your feet are racing there.

On the extreme end, addiction and death are waiting for you if your feet are quick to do those kinds of evil. Or perhaps it’s your desire to consume pornography, for which you will find ways to “sneak a peek.” Maybe it’s that inappropriate relationship that you run to in order to find validation or a cheap thrill. Remember: when you race to do evil, you are stirring up the Lord’s hatred.