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Proverbs 5:7-9

So now, my sons, listen to me. Never stray from what I am about to say: Stay away from her! Don’t go near the door of her house! If you do, you will lose your honor and will lose to merciless people all you have achieved.

They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder…but in the case of today’s passage, distance might just keep your heart beating. In the original Greek translation, the command to stay away from the door of the adulteress is even more emphatic and literally reads “far away keep from her”. Not down the front sidewalk or on the street or even across the street…but FAR AWAY…like in another town or state.

Regarding this warning, the great bible commentator Matthew Henry says, “Such tinder (something very flammable) there is in the corrupt nature (our sin nature) that it is madness, upon any pretense whatsoever, to come near the sparks. If we thrust ourselves into temptation, we mocked God when we prayed, Lead us not into temptation (Mth. 6:13).” If you think you are strong enough to dance with the devil and not get burned…you are truly a fool.

That being said, what if you DO choose the fools errand and walk near the seducer’s door? Your honor, reputation, and witness for Christ will be lost…and all that you have achieved. The enemies of the faith will use your sin to wreak havoc in your life and will go after all that you have been able to accomplish: family, friends, business, and ministry. Do you really want to lose all of that for a fleeting moment of sinful delight?

Stay Away!!!