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John 16:2

“They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.”

This prediction did not take very long to come true. Jesus had stirred things up in the Temple courts on many occasions, even to the point of potential violence by the crowds, but His disciples would experience it even more than he did. Saul, before he encountered Christ, was set loose to terrorize the followers of this new religious movement, even to the point of imprisonment…and even death. Perhaps he was inspired by the stoning of Stephen, who became the first in a very long line of martyrs. In his ignorance, he saw the murder as an act of worship—killing for God.

Until the 20th century, most Christian martyrs died at the hands of other religious people, including various sects within Christianity. People killing other people as a twisted act of worship. That reality continues today as Christians are harassed and even murdered by radical Muslims and Hindus…who believe they are serving the higher good “…offering service to God.” Atheists in the 20th century joined the fray, slaughtering Christians, Jews, and others by the millions for the sake of The State—their version of God. In both cases, Christians have been seen as an enemy that needed to be eliminated for the common good.

In our time, and in the American context, we have not gotten to the point where Christians are being killed for their beliefs…but we are well on our way. Bible believing followers of Christ are being marginalized at an increasing rate. Whether it’s in the hallways and classrooms of our schools…or in the offices of our businesses…or on your social media platforms…or in statehouses and courtrooms, Christianity is coming under increasing scrutiny and hostility. Odds are pretty good that you have experienced that for yourself, but if not, just grab a bible and head to your nearest abortion clinic to pray and engage in civil dialog. In increasing measure, Christians who stand their ground and speak the truth of God’s Word are becoming enemies of the state…and of society in general.

Hatred and persecution have even found their way into the so-called “church” in America. Most mainline protestant denominations are choosing to stray from biblical authority and as a result, they attack those of us who hold that position as hateful people who don’t know nor practice the “inclusive” love of God. While it is true that God loves everybody (Jn. 3:16), it is equally true that God still judges every sin (Rom. 3:23) and the wages of those sins is death (Rom. 6:23). If you dare to challenge their “new gospel” you will be put out, and in doing so, they will believe they are doing God a great service…as well as society in general.

So…don’t be surprised when you take some flak for your Christian convictions. We live in an upside-down world for the time being—a literal Tale of Two Cities—and while you are on the “winning team”, that victory will not come to full fruition until Jesus returns and does it himself. In the meantime, expect the opposition and answer it the way Jesus did…with Grace and Truth.