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John 15:16

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

Imagine getting a call from the President of the United States (one you really like). He tells you that he has chosen you to be his special envoy to the faith community and has some really important work for you to do in that regard. He goes on to tell you that you have the full backing of his administration and whatever you need…just ask. How might you respond to such a call? I don’t know about you, but my response would be:

“Yes sir! I’d be honored to serve! When can I start?”

This is exactly what happened when you became a Christian. God chose to adopt you into his eternal family of faith, not based on your merit, but solely based on his will. He not only adopted you, but He has important work for you to do—to go and “bear fruit.” Finally, he has given you the right to ask for anything in His Name—and in accordance with His will—that he may give it to you. Do you ever feel that way about your salvation? About your place in His Story? Even if you don’t, that doesn’t change the reality that it is, in fact, true.

YOU…have been chosen.

YOU…have special work to do.

YOU…will do things that will last forever.

YOU…have direct access to God and can ask for anything in His will.

As Americans, we tend to live out the fierce independence and self-reliance that goes with the title…but it is the polar opposite of how we are to live as Christians. As followers of Christ, we are totally dependent on God’s grace and rely solely on His power in our lives to accomplish his will. Yes, we bring our time, talent, and treasure to the table…but all of that finds its origin in God. As Americans, we don’t like to be told what to do…but as Christ’s disciples, we should eagerly wait for and obey his commands. As Americans, we love our country…but as Christians, we worship our King.

Back to that Presidential phone call.

I use it as an example, but in reality, it falls far short of the spiritual reality. The President calling is one thing, but the Creator of the Universe “calling” is another. And not only that, but that same Creator chose to take on human flesh and die on a bloody cross to make your adoption possible in the first place. These things are truly amazing and should drive deep into our heart and mind on a regular basis. And when they do? We should go and bear even more fruit.