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John 12:10-11

So the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus.

“When men hate Christ, they also hate those whom he has blessed, and will go to any lengths in seeking to silence their testimony.” (Spurgeon)

All people everywhere are either for Jesus or against him (Mt. 12:30). Is that statement a little too “black & white” for you? On one hand, it is certainly a theological truth, but on the other it can be hard to accept in practice because you don’t see that many people being openly hostile towards Jesus…or do you? The anti-God crowd may not always name the name that is above every name, but oftentimes they attack or disparage the biblical opinions of the people that follow him…or the people themselves…or their leaders…or their institutions.

The resurrection of Lazarus was a problem for the chief priests on two fronts: It went against the Sadducees’ teaching that there was no afterlife, and it provided a rather powerful advertisement for the growing ministry of the man from Nazareth. Not only had they put Jesus in their murderous crosshairs, but now they wanted Lazarus dead, too. Little did they know that they were actually willing participants in the Lord’s plan to offer eternal life and the resurrection to every single Jew and Gentile on the planet! Sadly, even if they had been privy to that plan, their hatred and arrogance probably would have kept them on that track to the bloody cross.

Do you ever experience any hatred for being a follower of Christ? If not, perhaps you aren’t “doing it” right. Maybe you are living a silent Christian life, minding your own business and trying not to impose your religious views on anyone else. Previous generations tended to shy away from discussing religion and politics in mixed company, choosing to avoid potential arguments or awkwardness for the sake of “keeping the peace” — but in the supernatural realm, there is no peace. Satan and his minions are fighting against God and his people at every turn in an attempt to do the same thing the chief priests were doing. The goal then is the same goal today: Stop the advance of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

It is crucial to remember that every single person on earth is involved in this cosmic battle and is on one side or the other. The only “neutral” players are the children that have yet to come into their own sin nature, but even they, too, will join one army or the other before too long. As Children of God through Jesus Christ, believers have a responsibility—and the privilege—to act as Ambassadors of Kingdom of God (2 Cor. 5:20). The minimum requirement is to live a life of godliness, but also to speak the truth in love, share the gospel, and to destroy all arguments that set themselves up against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:5) when the opportunity arises and with patience and humility. Rest assured, the forces of darkness will do whatever they can to stop Jesus. Will you do whatever you can to glorify His Name?