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John 11:11-13

After saying these things, he said to them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go to awaken him.” The disciples said to him, “Lord, if he has fallen asleep, he will recover.” Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought that he meant taking rest in sleep.

The Disciples struggled to keep up with his teachings. The Pharisees were routinely outfoxed by him. The crowds were oftentimes confused and missed his points entirely. Do you ever struggle to understand what Jesus means? Are there passages in the bible that confuse you, or make you uncomfortable? I’d have to say “Yes” to all three of those things, myself…and it’s ok that I do. It’s ok if you to struggle, as well. Our Father is a patient father and He will never leave us nor forsake us, even when we have a hard time accepting what He says or does.

“Falling asleep” was not some veiled reference to death but was a common way of referring to it for a first century Jew. Jesus used the term to refer to Jairus’ daughter (Mth. 9:24) and at the end of Stephen’s martyrdom we are told that he “fell asleep” (Acts 7:60). In this case, Jesus cleared up their misunderstanding almost immediately (“Lazarus is dead.”), but more often than not, we can be stuck in our confusion for weeks or months or even years. That doesn’t mean we sit idly by and wait for a miraculous answer. We should desire to dig and investigate and ask. But sometimes, the answers don’t come. Don’t despair!

God has revealed everything we need to know, but not everything there is to know.

It is critical to remember God’s character, especially when you are confused or struggling to understand what He is doing in your life, or in the world around you. Take the year this devotional was written, for example: 2020. I’t was the most bizarre year I have ever experienced in my life…BY FAR. In a matter of months, COVID-19 turned our daily lives upside down. Millions and millions of Americans started to wear masks in public. Schools and businesses closed. The economy was deeply shaken. Add to that the on-going civil unrest after the death of George Floyd and just for good measure, throw in the election featuring President Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Did God unleash the virus?

Is America on the brink of another civil war?

Should churches obey the government mandates to close?

What will happen to our nation in the days following the election?

What is God doing in America right now???

There are lots of Christians proclaiming what they think God is up to in this tumultuous season, and some of them may be right. But, like the disciples, they could easily be misunderstanding what God is saying and/or doing. Every Believer should be willing to approach our Father’s throne and ask the “Why” questions, and even be willing to express their confusion and consternation. BUT…we must also try to focus on the Author of the story rather than getting bogged down on a particular page within the bigger narrative. Our Lord can be trusted completely, even when our understanding falls short.