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Ephesians 6:15 (NIV)

“…and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”

What do football, baseball, soccer, track, basketball, golf, and warfare have in common? You need to have on the right kind of shoes if you stand any chance of holding your ground or winning the race.

Roman soldiers wore sandals that were firmly attached to their feet and included nails or spikes embedded in the soles for good traction and to enable them to hold their position in case of attack. For a follower of Christ, the Gospel itself provides the firm foundation, allowing them to advance the cause of the King while being prepared to hold their ground in case of attack.

The Gospel assures us that we have been reconciled to God and reminds us that we have built our house on the rock, rather than the sand (Mth. 7:24). It protects us from the devastating accusations of our enemy as he seeks to stop or push back our Kingdom efforts. It gives us the traction we need to advance the call of Christ boldly, even though the ground on which we trod is wrought with pitfalls and hazards.

You most likely have many different kinds of shoes, each pair suited for a different occasion. But, don’t forget the most valuable shoes in your collection…the ones that have secured your place in the Kingdom of God and allow you to fulfill the mission that your King has given you.