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Ephesians 2:10

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

I live in North Carolina and one of our most famous landmarks is the Blue Ridge Parkway, which passes through some of the most beautiful scenery in the eastern United States. It’s an amazing drive, but along the 489-mile route there are 200 overlooks which offer up an array of incredible views. Sadly, most travelers don’t take the time to stop. They reach their destination, but the trip is less spectacular than it could have been.

Today’s verse has always reminded me of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the sad reality that many Christians, while making it to heaven (Praise God), settle for a less-than-spectacular trip along the way. They travel the Parkway but miss the overlooks. God has prepared “good works” in advance of our journey that we should “walk in them” as they present themselves. They occur on a daily basis, if not hourly, and they give us the opportunity to glorify God while showing His love to the people in our lives. Are you taking the time to stop?

Salvation is an amazing miracle that none of us should ever get over…but it’s just the start of the journey! God has planted beautiful overlooks of good works all along the Heavenly Parkway and He wants us to experience every single one of them…but we have to be willing to take the time to stop. Stop to listen. Stop to encourage. Stop to give. Stop to help shoulder the load. Stop to seek forgiveness or to forgive. Stop to mourn. Stop to praise. Stop to use your spiritual gifts. Stop to share your testimony. Stop to hold the door open or give up you’re parking place or share a meal or cut someone’s lawn.

God has planned some incredible overlooks for you to enjoy on your trip to Heaven so be sure to STOP…or you will miss the best views!