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Psalm 147:10-11 (NLT)

He takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or in human might. No, the LORD’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.

There are some very impressive things in nature based on their strength. A thoroughbred horse is an amazing sight to see as it races around the track, muscles glistening as they strain to achieve maximum speed. A cheetah can run at speeds up to 70mph. A tiger can carry something twice its body weight ten feet up into a tree and an eagle can still fly when carrying something that weighs four times as much as it does. However, it is the Dung Beetle that stands alone as the strongest creature on earth, able to pull 1,141 times its own body weight! God made all of these amazing creatures, but none of them are the apple of His eye.

God’s delight is placed on those people who fear him and put their hope in his unfailing love (v. 11). The strongest athlete cannot draw God’s attention nor the mightiest fighter. Social Media Influencers may have millions of millions of “followers”, but those stats don’t show up for one second on God’s radar screen of delight. Nor does the richest person on the planet or the one who gets the most votes in the election. God takes no delight at all in human accomplishment unless it is preceded by a person’s fear and hope and faith. Bible commentator G. Campbell Mogan, reflecting on this portion of Psalm 147, said that, “In His providence God provides for all material needs, and yet His purpose in so doing is that of creating the spiritual attitudes towards Himself in which He supremely delights, His delight finally not in animal strength, but in the fear and hope which constitute spiritual strength.”

Strength of muscle or brain or influence is not what gets your Heavenly Father smiling upon you. No, His smiles will fall upon you for your spiritual strength rather than any earthly measurement. The widow’s mite is far more pleasing than the Pharisees bag because of her faith and hope. The little shepherd boy is chosen over the impressive oldest son because of the strength of his heart. The biggest mansions in heaven will be occupied by the people we never read about who lived lives of incredible love and service…faith and hope. What the Prophet Samuel said 2,500 years ago is still true today: “The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7).

“As a father takes pleasure in his own children, so doth the Lord solace himself in his own beloved ones, whose marks of new birth are fear and hope. They fear, for they are sinners; they hope; for God is merciful. They fear him, for he is great; they hope in him, for he is good. Their fear sobers their hope; their hope brightens their fear: God takes pleasure in them both in their trembling and in their rejoicing.” (Spurgeon)

We all grew up longing for our father’s approval. For some of us, that was a regular blessing, but for many others…an on-going sting from a past always hoped for but never realized. Not so with our Heavenly Father. You don’t need to bring home the perfect report card and you don’t need to hit the homerun, let alone make the team. God does not take delight in what you can do for Him, but rather, in what you believe about Him. Do you give Him the proper reverence and awe that He deserves as both Creator and Savior? Have you placed your hope in His finished work on the cross and in His love and concern for you? If so, then your Heavenly Dad is THRILLED with you! He DELIGHTS in you! He LOVES YOU and is PROUD OF YOU! He’s on the sideline of your life cheering you on and shouting to His angels, “See that one! He/She is mine! I’m so proud of them!”

Amen and Amen.