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Psalm 133:1 (ESV)

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

Love Life is a pro-life (abortion/adoption/fostering) organization based out of Charlotte, NC that brings churches together to have a peaceful presence outside local abortion clinics for 40 Saturdays in a row each year. I have had the honor of partnering with them for the past two years. Before we go into a time of corporate worship and prayer to intercede for the babies, moms, dads, and clinic workers…we recite the first verse of today’s short—and sweet—psalm. In Raleigh, NC, our normal crowd size is about 70…but in that blessed group of saints there are at least 15 churches represented from various denominations and styles. To say that that fellowship is “good and pleasant” would be a vast understatement.

How often do you dwell in unity with other members of the Body of Christ?

“It is a wonder seldom seen, therefore behold it! It may be seen, for it is the characteristic of real saints—therefore fail not to inspect it! It is well worthy of admiration; pause and gaze upon it! It will charm you into imitation, therefore note it well!” (Spurgeon). Unity is a concept that God has been modeling perfectly for all time as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus prayed that we would experience it in John 17 and told us that our love for one another—Christian to Christian—would prove to the world that we are His (Jn. 13:35). Paul commanded us to pursue peace as far as we could with any and every person we encounter (Rom. 12:18). This “good and pleasant” blessing is offered to all of Gods saints, but sadly, only enjoyed by some.

Christian unity should be experienced and pursued on many different levels. In a Christ-centered home. In a small group or Sunday school class. Within a local church body. Within a denomination. When you gather with other Christians to do the Lord’s work, at any point and in any location around the world! Have you tasted of its “good and pleasant” fruit? If you have, you most likely want more. If you have not, you certainly don’t know what you are missing. Of course, not everything that is good is pleasant, and not everything that is pleasant is good. Unity among God’s people is such a remarkable blessing because it is both good and pleasant—and both to a high degree, indicated by the repetition of “how” in today’s verse.

The world comes as close as it can on this concept, but usually in vain and/or superficial ways. It’s fun to gather with fellow fans of your favorite sports teams, but that purpose is shallow. It is very enjoyable to get together with people that enjoy the same things that you do, but it is void of a deeper meaning and purpose. But when the people of God dwell together in unity, it is superpowered by the uniting presence of the Holy Spirit! Have you ever noticed the instant bond that takes place when you meet a fellow Believer? I have met brothers and sisters in Christ across America and as far away as Iraq, Kenya, and Thailand…and that bond of unity is always “good and pleasant” as well as instantaneous! It lasts as long as our focus in on Christ and His Kingdom rather than on ourselves and our own plans and it is one of the sweetest blessings to be had on this side of Heaven.