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Psalm 65:3-4 (NKJV)

Iniquities prevail against me; as for our transgressions, you will provide atonement for them. Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, of Your holy temple.

Calvinism. Armenianism. Reformed Theology. Free Will. Predestination. The Elect. These have been hot points of debate since the earliest days of the New Testament’s distribution and for good reason. The bible explicitly teaches both, but they appear to be in complete contradiction with one another. So, which is it? Does God choose who will be saved…or does mankind have the freewill to make that choice? Could it possibly be both? One of the most famous and often used illustrations comes from H.A. Ironside who likened this conundrum to a sign over the door at the entrance to Heaven. On the outside it says, “Whosoever will, let him come” (Rev. 22:17), but on the inside it says, “Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4).

Voila! All done. Got it?

Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, has a great statement on the subject: “The doctrine of pre-destination does no violence to the doctrine of freewill.” And since the bible teaches both positions – and the bible IS truth – then both positions are in fact, true. That doesn’t necessarily resolve the tension for us, so it helps to remember another truth from God’s Word: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Cor. 13:12). Turning to today’s Psalm, there are two central truths David understood that should monumentally impact every Believer’s life…and especially when it comes to our appreciation and worship of our Lord and Savior.

First of all, even though our iniquities (sin) prevail against us…condemn us…God has chosen to provide a way out by way of atonement. Atonement is defined as making reparation for a wrong committed, and the only reparation for the untold multitude of our wrongs committed against a perfect, holy God is found in the precious blood of His one and only Son. We deserve eternal damnation, but God chose to not only provide a way out but paid the price that only he could pay. Without Christ’s sacrifice, THERE IS NO ATONEMNET. God’s holiness demands justice, yet his love requires mercy. The only way to reconcile these two immovable truths was established on a bloody cross two thousand years ago. God did that for you. How much does that move you?

The second great truth in today’s passage is the fact that – assuming you are a born again Christian (email me if that confuses you at [email protected]) – God chose YOU and caused you to approach him so that you could dwell in his courts forever! You, of all people! Me, of all people! “Why me and not some others,” you ask? It was based on His good pleasure and perfect will, and understanding that might just remain outside of our grasp for all eternity…I don’t know…but what I DO KNOW is that I was chosen. If you know him as Lord and Savior, you were too. It is an uncomfortable truth. It is a humbling truth. But it is a truth that should knock us to our knees while drawing us up to worship and adore Him.