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Psalm 37:1-4 (NIV)

Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Today’s psalm is reminiscent of our study of Proverbs as it contains many statements about wise living that can stand on their own, which is why you should take the time to read through all 40 verses and not just our selected passage! It was written by King David late in his life (v. 25) and was is a powerful teaching on how to live in a world full of wickedness…and how to live among those who hate God. That was David’s reality for much of his life and it is certainly true of our world, today.

Although he had been anointed king as a teenager, David spent the better part of his twenties on the run from his ungodly boss and king. On two occasions, David did the right thing by not killing the king when he could have, only to watch Saul return to his opulent palace while David returned to his cave. At one point, David and his men protected a man named Nabal, but when David asked for a small favor in return, Nabal essentially told him to “take a hike.” David always had enemies and had to watch as evil men seemed to be rewarded because of – or despite – their evil actions.

Can you relate to that frustration? Do you have some neighbors that fit that description? Co-workers? A boss? A sibling? You do the right thing, play by the rules, and even give generously at church, yet you always seem to be towards the back of the line when it comes to rewards or recognition or lifestyle. Or perhaps you are content with those things yet frustrated over the apparent lack of justice in the world as evil seems to be on the rise while righteousness moves to the back of the bus. As a follower of Christ, Psalm 37 calls you to pray and trust in The Long Game rather than be discouraged and angry about present reality.

The first two verses remind us that while it may appear that evil is winning and the unrighteous appear to be advancing, the truth is that God is simply waiting, and one day soon He will settle every account. Every injustice in the history of the world will be rectified via the blood of Christ or the eternal damnation of the sinner. No Christian should delight in that, but every Christian should take comfort in the fact that one day “justice will flow like a river and righteousness like a never-failing stream” (Am. 5:24). The bullies might be getting away with their abuses right now…but the Principle is on his way.

In the meantime, trust in the Lord’s plans! Do good towards others and towards yourself! Dwell in the land of God’s will and precepts and ways by knowing and living His Word and you will enjoy safe pasture and prosperity in a land largely consumed by evil! Take delight in the Lord! Enjoy what He has done for you and look forward with excitement to what He will do for you, both in this life and in the eternal bliss to come! Do these things and God will give you the desires of your heart…because your heart will be in alignment with his! This is what it means to play The Long Game…especially when you know that you are already on the winning team.