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Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

I was at a ministry luncheon in 2006 when the main speaker made a statement that has stayed with me ever since. At first, I thought it might be promoting a victim-mentality and putting aside personal responsibility. There is no question that America is facing a crisis of personal responsibility and far too many people refuse to accept ownership of their poor choices, but the more I thought about his words it in light of scripture, the more they rang true:

“The world is a crime scene.”

Man against man. Man against himself. Man against God. Sin abounds and grace is in short supply. Watch the news. Check out the comments on social media. Examine the relationships around you. Consider the rising tide of depression, anxiety, and suicide. Throw in broken marriages, fatherless homes, cyber-bullying, sexual/gender confusion, addiction, and abortion (just to name a few) and you should begin to see the yellow tape of a crime scene wrapping itself around our communities, nation, and world. It’s no wonder that when Jesus looked out over the masses, “he felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dejected, like sheep without a shepherd” (Mth. 9:36). The world is indeed a crime scene…but not one without hope.

If you are feeling brokenhearted and your spirit is crushed, God has a particularly strong interest in you. Your vulnerability and weakness breaks down your self-reliance as pride goes out the door. God is close to you because your pain has made room for him in your heart…but only if you invite Him in. David’s broken-heartedness, in many cases, was the result of his own sin and poor choices, and when that was the case, he was willing to own it and cry out to God in confession, repentance, and contrition. But there were other times when – like in the case of King Saul – he had done nothing wrong, but suffered anyway. In those situations, he chose to cast himself upon the mercy and providence of God and trust that his Good Father would deliver him…and God did, time and time again. That is the overwhelming testimony of the Book of Psalms and exactly what God wants to do in your life, as well.

The bible does not gloss over your pain but acknowledges it and joins you in it. Moses asked God to take his life (Num. 11:10-15). Job cursed the day of his birth (Job 3:1-26). Jonah was angry with God and wanted to die (Jon. 4:3-9). Hanna grieved because her womb remained closed for many years (1 Sam. 1:1-16). Tamar, after her brother raped her, lived a desolate life (2 Sam. 13:1-21). Naomi was filled with bitterness and pain after experiencing multiple hardships (Ruth 1:1-20). Hagar sobbed in the desert as her son was about to die (Gen. 21:15-16). In every one of these cases, God provided hope, love, and assistance…and that is what He wants to do for you, as well.

Christian blogger Barbara Alpert offers a great final word on today’s passage. She writes, “If you are feeling down, know that God is with you. He knows what you are going through, and He does not want you to remain broken, crushed in spirit. Invite Him into every area of your life that needs healing. Allow His Spirit and word to comfort you. Reach out and let others aid and encourage you along the way, too. Brighter days will transpire as you place your hope in the Lord and take the necessary steps He asks you to take.”