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The Book of Psalms

But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.   Ps. 1:2-3

Tomorrow we will begin a 150-day journey through the incredibly rich and poetic Book of Psalms! Each DAILY DOSE will highlight one particular passage in that day’s Psalm but will attempt (God willing) to capture the overall thrust or meaning behind the entire chapter. It should prove to be a remarkable rich and rewarding journey and I am excited to work through it with you!

I would like to suggest that you do a few things in preparation for our journey…

  • Please watch this excellent 8-minute introductory video into the Book of Psalms…a collection of 150 ancient Hebrew poems, songs, and prayers that come from all different periods in Israel’s history. The Gospel Coalition has put together an incredible overview that begins with this video but also offers additional insights into this beloved book. I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to work through most if not all of it.

  • When you get each weekday’s Daily Dose, begin your time by reading the entire Psalm, rather than just the highlighted verse(s). My seminary professors beat one particular concept into my head time and time again: Context is King. Focusing on one particular verse or passage can rob it of its deeper meaning and in many cases…its accurate interpretation. Read each verse or passage in context with what comes before and after it…and in context with the entire chapter as well as in context with the entire book. Romans, for example, has a very logical progression as Paul builds layer upon layer into his case for the gospel.
  • Finally, please join me in prayer over this journey! The Holy Spirit can take one passage out of one Psalm and apply it specifically to each reader. We need to ask Him for guidance as we walk down this path together as well as the power to not just be hearers of His Word…but doers, also (Jas. 1:22).

Thank you for joining me each weekday as we seek our Father’s heart and mind through His Spirit…and I look forward to our first day together in the Book of Psalms tomorrow!