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Proverbs 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.

Regarding this powerful proverb, the great H.A. Ironside says, “The Name of Jehovah stands for the Lord Himself. To run into it, as into a strong tower, is to confide in Him in the time of trouble. This is the blessed privilege of every true saint. All that perplexes and oppresses the human spirit can be poured into God’s ear. Then the soul can leave all burdens with Him and can confide in His love. Thus, the heart will be at peace, protected as in a garrisoned tower, however the enemy may rage.”

The names of God are a powerful reminder as to His character, promises, and power. Instead of writing more about this passage from my perspective, let’s take a look at God’s perspective on Himself…each name a Truth that helps create the strong tower every Believer can take solace in….now and forevermore.

Abba – Father or Daddy

Alpha & Omega – The beginning and the end of all things

Attiyq Youm – The Ancient of Days who knows all of history- past, present, and future

Christos – The Anointed One…God in human flesh

El Chuwl – The God who gave you birth…literally

El Deah – God of Knowledge who knows everything

El Elyon – The God Most High…above absolutely everything

El Olam – The Everlasting God who never changes

El Roi – The God Who Sees you and loves you right where you are at

El Shaddai – God Almighty who keeps all of His promises

Elohim – The Creator with unlimited power

Yahweh – The Self-Existent One who always has been

Yahweh Bore – The Lord Creator who crafted all existence

Yahweh Nissi – The Lord is a Reigning Banner over His children

Yahweh Raah – The Lord is our Shepherd who cares for and protects us

Yahweh Rapha – The Lord that Healeth our body and soul forever

Yahweh Shalom – The Lord is Peace where you can find contentment

Yahweh Shammah – The Lord is There, no matter where you are

Yahweh Tsabbaoth – The Lord of Hosts, the God of the Angelic Armies

Yahweh Tsidkenu – The Lord our Righteousness, who covers our sin with His perfection

Yahweh Yireh – The Lord Will Provide…He is our substitutionary sacrifice