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Proverbs 17:28

Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.

Abraham Lincoln agreed with this inspired rule of wisdom and public discourse (or lack thereof) by his well-known words:

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

The simple fact is, the more we talk, the more we sin. In light of this truth, I taught my kids years ago that sometimes the most Christlike think they can do is…shut up! While some people don’t talk enough, most of us tend to talk too much, and as a talk radio host, I certainly understand the pitfalls of that mistake. We speak our mind without first checking our heart. We fear what people will think of us if we don’t have something to say about everything, assuming that the more we talk, the more learned we sound. Sadly, all the while we might just be going public with our lack of wisdom.

Have you noticed that the more spiritually mature people you know tend to be more reserved when it comes to how often they speak up? They listen intently, process carefully, and speak up reservedly…and when they do? It packs a punch. The fool, on the other hand, jumps into the fray and puts his lack of knowledge and judgment on display. What he lacks in wisdom he makes up for in word count. But if he stays silent? There is no evidence.

Jesus warned that you will give an account for every idle word in the Day of Judgment (Matt 12:36), so provide wisely for your future at His judgment seat and protect your present reputation: Hold your peace and shut your lips. Here is a double blessing, at least: Please God and men by reducing the frequency of your words…and decrease the volume of your sin.