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Proverbs 10:8

The wise are glad to be instructed, but babbling fools fall flat on their faces. 

Do you know anyone who has a hard time receiving instruction? They refuse to be corrected and seem to assume they can do no wrong. Someone who is quick to speak and quick to point out what others are doing wrong…but slow to see their own faults. When receiving direction from others they question the methods or the right of that leader to decide how things will be done…all the while spewing forth their opinions and corrections. That person is a fool.

What about you? Perhaps you have a tendency to play the fool yourself sometimes…as I think we all do…but today’s verse brings up a great question: How well do you receive instruction? You may not push back overtly, but do you sometimes struggle to receive it with a glad heart? What about when another Christian comes alongside you to correct some error in your theology or point out some flaw in your character? When you mess up at work and it gets noticed – and you get corrected – are you happy that you have the chance to make it right so that your work glorifies God all the more (Col. 3:23)…or do you feel embarrassed and/or resentful? You may not be a fool at that moment, but you aren’t being wise, either.

The bible commentator W. Arnot said, “To receive a lesson and put it in practice implies a measure of humility; whereas to lay down the law to others is grateful incense to a man’s pride and self-importance. The Lord Himself pointed to the unsuspecting receptiveness of a little child, and said that this is the way to enter the kingdom.” A humble spirit leads to an eager receptiveness of godly and effective instruction. Even when that instruction is delivered in a less than loving or kind manner, it is still for your benefit and will increase your ability to glorify God and serve your neighbor well. If we are less than we can be – and all of us are as we learn and grow – then we should be glad to hear some instruction that enables us to improve!