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Proverbs 5:3-4

For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword.

Winnie the Pooh is famous for his love of honey…but he is also famous for the trouble that love leads him to…trouble for which he is 100% responsible. So it is with sexual sin and the price it exacts. It is tempting with it’s sweetness, but deadly with it’s consequences.

It is interesting to note that this woman’s (or man’s) number one “weapon” is not necessarily her physical beauty but her words. Noticing the attractiveness of another person is one thing, but when words begin to be exchanged the danger ramps up quickly. The message for men and women who seek to live godly lives in this regard is that we must all use great discretion when we speak with a member of the opposite sex who is not our spouse (or if you are single, someone else’s spouse). The line between an acceptable level of godly friendliness and sinful flirtation approaches quickly and must not be trifled with.

When you don’t like what you are hearing on the radio, it is easy enough to just change the channel or turn it off. Not so with the enticing words of the seducer. And while the immediate taste is sweet and smooth, the aftertaste is bitter and poisonous. As King David and Samson found out, sexual temptation, represented by the adulteress, promises one thing…yet delivers quite another. The painful consequences of the violation of God’s will are lost in the excitement of the moment. However, the reality of judgment, and even death, is just around the corner for those who give in to her seductive voice.When the thrill is over, the double-edged sword awaits. This is no children’s tale like Winnie the Pooh. This is serious and deadly business.