Proverbs 2:3-4
Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.
Have you ever misplaced or lost your car keys? Wallet? Cell phone? Child? It conjures up feelings of frustration, anger, and even desperation…and that is what today’s Proverb is pointing us towards: an intense search for insight and understanding.
Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you get a lot wiser. Wisdom doesn’t fall out of the sky or show up in your mailbox. You need to seek her out. Warren Wiersbe says that, “If you want wisdom, you must listen to God attentively (Matt. 13:9), obey Him humbly (John 7:17), ask Him sincerely (James 1:5), and seek Him diligently (Isa. 55:6–7), the way a miner searches for silver and gold. Obtaining spiritual wisdom isn’t a once-a-week hobby, it is the daily discipline of a lifetime.”
If you are seeking a hidden treasure, you need to know where to start looking! In Matthew 13, Jesus relates the Gospel to a treasure hidden in a field, and once the man in his parable knew where it was, he did everything in his power to secure it for himself.
So where do we search out the treasures of insight & understanding? In God’s Word. In God’s People. In Prayer. God has told all of His Children where to find the treasure, so the only question we need to ask is this:
When will we earnestly start to dig it up?